Reconnecting to the WILD around me, woke me up to the WILD inside me, and I began to listen more closely to the wisdom of the eARTh.

Hello, my name is Adrienne, I am a Community Herbalist and a Creatively Fit Coach. I guide women with the wisdom of eARTh medicine to reconnect to their unique and divine purpose in this world. I believe each woman has an individual light that needs to shine so we can collectively light up the world. We have a unique opportunity to heal ourselves and to heal the world by strengthening our connection and awareness to what is creative and alive within us.
I woke up somewhere around 35 feeling the all too familiar trappings of a young mother. I didn’t know who I was or what I wanted.
I started reading The Artist’s Way and got a baby sitter once a week to take myself on an “artist’s date.” These hours were excruciating because I felt so disconnected from myself. I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my precious free time. I remember fleeing the aisles of a local art store overwhelmed by the choices, by not knowing what to do with all the colors and tools. I bought pastels because I remembered loving them as a child but I felt such tension and resistance in my body to actually CREATE.
So, I took a few drawing classes and felt surprised by the fact that I could draw. How could I be 35 and not know that I could draw?
My art “practice” came and went for the next few years. I struggled to create the time for myself and sometimes months went by without picking up a pencil. I kept showing up for those dates with myself and I realized week by week that there were a few constants in my life, from childhood thru to today, and nature was one of them.
My eyes slowly began to open to the world around me and I began to see beauty in my local park.
I began to feel curious about the trees, and plants and birds around me. I felt so cut off from nature and believed real nature only existed in my home state of Alaska, or in national parks, but I slowly began to realize that my mind cleared when I was walking around this suburban park, and I had more energy when I got home and I was more creative and compassionate as a mother after my walks. Luckily, I found Kamana Naturalist training program at this time and began the practice of a daily sit spot.

And I realized as I sat in my yard every day that I didn’t know the trees in my own front yard, I didn’t know the birds that flew in and out of their branches, I was shocked to realize there were truly wild animals like fox, coyote and red tailed hawks nesting in my neighborhood right off the interstate.
Reconnecting to the WILD around me, woke me up to the WILD inside me, and I began to listen more closely to the wisdom of the eARTh.
I took my first herb class at a local apothecary that was offering a three-hour workshop on Rosemary. I distinctly remember thinking “I need to go see what someone could possibly say about rosemary for three HOURS.” In hindsight, I realize that is how intuition works. It peaks your curiosity in the oddest of places.

It turns out Rosemary is the herb of remembering, and to truly heal, we need to remember our calling, our purpose here on eARTh.
So, rosemary guided me to my first teacher, Shelley Torgove at Artemesia & Rue, a wise woman who has guided
many women back to their remembering here on eARTh by teaching plant medicine. I remember on my first class, Thursday April 6, 2017 feeling so nervous and excited and something called me to use that nervous energy so I sat down to draw for the first time in 6 months. I picked up a pencil and drew the hawk you see here. At that time, I didn’t understand the significance of the hawk, as a messenger and a guide. I was, however, struck by the fire in its eyes and the life it exuded. It has hung on my walls since that day and now I understand how plant medicine and art, the wisdom of the eARTh’s creatures have guided me to this work.
Super soul flow reframed my world from one of fear and doubt, insecurity and guilt to one of infinite possibility, love, connection and abundance.
A year into my herbal studies I took a 7 Week Super Soul Flow course with Whitney Freya. From my first class onward, the plants have continually woven creativity into my studies. When I began taking classes with Whitney my whole life, I mean my WHOLE life changed. The plants I was studying nurtured my intuition and super soul flow gave me a practice to listen to that intuition. Super soul flow reframed my world from one of fear and doubt, insecurity and guilt to one of infinite possibility, love, connection and abundance. I was able to tap into the wise woman within me and for the first time in my life I understood the saying “the answers you seek reside within you”.
What I want to share more than anything with each woman in my life is that you are powerful, you are wise, you are unique and perfect as you are, and the gifts you want to share, the life you want to live is waiting for you, it is already within you.
And if there is a tired, skeptical, cynical voice inside you saying ‘yeah, right’ those are actually your twins, your wise woman, your wild woman saying “show me”. And that is what I want to do. I want you to be the change you wish for, I want you to create the life you’ve always dreamed of, to heal your body, tune into the power of your menstrual cycle, and connect to the infinite wisdom of the earth thru plant medicine and a creative practice. I want you to experience the moment where you take echinacea for a cold and say “omg that worked!” and you paint, something you never thought you could do, and you learn that by charting your menstrual cycle you are cycling with the Moon. That is power. And power is freedom. When you connect to the aspect of you that has all the answers, that is in direct communication with your inner twins, your wise & wild woman you are free. I went from not knowing what I wanted to do with my free time to being able to listen to my inner longings and being able to express exactly what I WANT, and I WANT that for you too.
At the heart of my practice is using wild plants to heal our bodies and minds, to create connection between our bodies, the earth and the divine within.

Herbs were the beginning for me. I remember sitting in my first class learning about avena sativa and how a week later I had this moment where I realized I was experiencing everything I had learned about this herb.
I had to undo a lot. I had to learn to play. To do art for the sheer fun of doing it not for any productivity.
Bring people together in relationship that brings out the best in each of us. No one can affect the world the way you do. We each have an individual light that needs to shine so we can collectively light up the world. All healing is worthwhile for the whole of the tribe. Passion to restore faith in traditional medicine, earth medicine and plant wisdom.
We each have our unique expression. None of us is unique or special in and of ourselves. It is our expression, our interpretation, our creative expression that makes us unique and that’s spirit, creator, god, the divine at work in you when we tap in and access that place spirit can teach us. Communion. At the heart of my practice is using wild plants to heal our bodies and minds, to create connection between our bodies, the earth and the divine within.
• Community Herbalist Certificate Program -Artemesia & Rue, Denver, CO
•Women’s Herbal & Ethnobotanical Studies-Artemesia & Rue, Denver, CO
•Advanced Herbal Studies Mentorship Program-Artemesia & Rue, Denver, CO
•Kamana Naturalist Training Program -Online mentorship & certificate
•Voyage Botanica 12 month Herbal Medicine Field School – New Mexico & Arizona
•Painting from the Source – Arizona
Certified Creatively Fit Coach -Online mentorship and certificate