Hi dear one, I’m so glad you are here.
The greatest gift of this process is that there is No art experience necessary!
I will teach you a simple 4 step painting process that ensures anyone can paint. I had zero painting experience prior to doing these same workshops. I hadn’t held a paint brush since grade school! So please don’t be intimidated, if you’ve read this far, some part of you wants to paint, to try, to show up here. Please know I honor and respect you and you are safe here.
Subscribe & find your muse
Come experience teachings I have been taught by my herbal elders in this one of a kind experience. Learn local and medicinal plants and paint as you are guided by their wisdom and teachings. 1.5-hour, all materials provided $30.

Online Courses
Come discover your animal totem and paint its message for you.
In this 2-hour online retreat you will receive an animal totem to guide you on your life’s path.
Suggested materials, 11×14 canvas and blue, yellow, red, green, black and white paint. Please be creative and use what you have, one of my favorite paintings is on a piece of cardboard 🙂 or paint over an old canvas.
2 hours $30

Rise Above Book Club.
Based on the book RISE ABOVE by my teacher Whitney Freya. It’s the perfect way to stay present and peaceful during these crazy times.
We’ll start (date) @ (time) via zoom for 1 hr & we are going to start by painting peace! We’ll end by painting your personal sacred symbol to guide you through these times. A sacred symbol is your personal reminder that returns you to your intentions whenever you see it.
No painting experience required. I will lead you through a simple 4 step “painting made easy” process that ensures that anyone can paint.
Suggested materials: 11×14 canvas and blue, yellow, red, green, black and white paint. Please be creative and use what you have at home, one of my favorite paintings is on a piece of cardboard!
Let’s join together in an online community to create peace, presence, fearlessness and abundance in our 4 week class, 1 hr/week. $50
Open Heart painting with Elephant
Elephant will guide us as we meditate and paint in this 2 hour class. We’ll start by learning a heart opening practice from South African Shaman John Lockley called the heart beat meditation. Then we’ll paint an elephant or a dream catcher to represent your personal connection to your intuition and inner peace.
No experience necessary. I will lead you through a simple painting made process that ensures everyone can paint.
Suggested materials: 11×14 canvas, a marker, acrylic paints in blue, yellow, red, green, black and white paint, paint brushes, water, a candle
2 hr $30

SOUL SCribble
Learn 3 simple art practices you can do anytime, anywhere. The soul scribble has become a daily practice for me as a way to tune into myself and gain clarity about my goals and desires. This is a practice of taking back the magic of your mind, tuning into your imagination, and listening to your intuition guide you through symbols and imagery.
Suggested materials: a cup of your favorite beverage, paper and marker, crayons, pastels, whatever you have.
1 hr $20

As the birds return this Summer, let’s enjoy a birds eye view of our lives with Owl. We will invite in what we want to create more of in our lives right now.
One of the best things about a painting practice is how we learn to engage with symbols and integrate this information as we meditate and create in union with animal spirits and your higher self. In this class we will connect with what is important to you and let the to do lists, and the worries fall away like feathers in the wind. Owl can guide us to our deep knowing, wisdom and truth.
No painting experience necessary. I will teach you a simple 4 step painting process.
Suggested materials: 11×14 canvas, a marker, acrylic paints in blue, yellow, red, green, black and white paint, paint brushes, water, a candle
2 hr $30

This is one of my favorite classes! A guided 13 step painting process that promises to reveal gifts and messages for your highest good. Everything has meaning and everything is sacred!
2 hour online class $30
Suggested materials, 11×14 canvas and blue, yellow, red, green, black and white paint. Please be creative and use what you have, one of my favorite paintings is on a piece of cardboard 🙂
Interested in having your friends join you? All private sessions can be personalized at a reduced price for groups. Please contact me to discuss.